Tomorrow marks 4 weeks since my surgery. Week three was a hard one for me mentally. I became very frustrated by what I couldn't do. I attempted the seemingly simple task of grocery shopping. However, after not being able to reach the box of cereal on the top shelf nor being able to reach to the back of the milks where the milks that don't expire the next day are found and pushing around the buggy, I was in pain. So I did what any other girl would do. I cried the whole way home :(
Some how though, I survived week three and week four has been slight improved. I started back at work, half days. It has been surprisingly exhausting. It's amazing how surgery affects your body on so many different levels. The pain level is down, still there, but down enough that I am off my prescription pills except for the occasional evening when I have managed to over-do things during the day ( I never do that!). I found some mobility stretches that I can do to help with the reaching of the cereal box on the top shelf, so I will begin those. I also started walking again which has helped me feel better about all things. With all the amazing weather we have been having, I have been itching to start running again. I am thinking maybe another week or two and I will give it a try!
Overall, things are getting better. Patience is being relearned on a daily basis. Healing is going well (3rd follow up appointment today with surgeon). And life carries on.
Watch out cereal box, here I come!!
Glad to read you are feeling better -- weeks 3 and 4 were tough for me, too! Remember to take it easy since that's the BEST way to heal :) You're doing great! --Liza